Monday, April 19, 2010

What Pastors' Wives Wish Their Husbands And Churches Knew About Them

Here is an interesting article you may like to check out.

Know that you are not alone...

Coffee Granules and Tea Leaves – of the second hand variety

The Pastor’s Schedule:

Monday – Network over a coffee
Thursday – Be a listening ear and coach over a coffee
Sunday – Be an encourager over a coffee
Monday through to Sunday – check up on friends... over a coffee.

And that’s outside of the phone world - You know what I’m talking about!

And when he/she gets home... we get what’s left – the diffused used sludge at the bottom of the cup.

That’s where we are supposed to become a support to them – when they are all spent and need to veg out doing something alone or emotional tank filling. But we have needs too, yes? How does a wilting flower support another wilting flower? How can there be one wilting flower on a plant without the others suffering the wilting as well?

That’s right, if the core of the family is weak, all connected to it will be weakened also.

So how do you all keep your heads above water? Below is a helpful little list that I myself need to look at working on a little more:

1. Shut up – don’t complain that you are tired also and need them to give you more. Don’t criticise what they have been up to... at least don’t say anything whilst they are low – this will only lead to them getting lower and taking the rest of you down with them.

2. Prepare – you know they are going to come home depleted, so don’t expect anything extraordinary out of them at this time. Instead brace yourself with a little positive time before they get in the door – this could be through scriptures, relaxation, invigoration. Aromatherapy is known for it’s healing qualities – don’t ignore it or pass it off as some weird Eastern religion thing – it really works. Find out what scents make your family feel certain ways and work with those to get the best out of everyone in the home.

3. Plan - You do need your time, but at the end of the day is probably not the best. Plan your time together –get up half an hour earlier than usual to have coffee together yourselves; have a special night each week or at least month that is for you and your partner alone – no interruptions.

4. And that’s the biggie – no interruptions... politely ask that the phone not interrupt your time WHAT-SO-EVER! If there is an urgent family call, they’ll get your number and try calling it instead, and if it is urgent in any other way, remind your partner that they are not God and are not the only one to save the world out there. Save the family and more lives will be saved in the future. Abandon the family and see how the family drifts away and causes you, the pastor to weaken even more-so because of the damage.

Looking Forward,